Monday, 2 June 2014

Book Review: Metal Swarm and The Ashes of Worlds by Kevin J. Anderson

*Beware of Spoilers*

These are parts 6 and 7 of the Saga of Seven Suns.

The release of Anderson's sequel to the Saga of Seven Suns made me remember that I had actually forgotten to review these two. That is why they're bunched together.

These two books are different from the others. This series could have ended in book 5. Leave Margaret Colicos dead, and move on. Klikiss dead, their robots dead. The Verdani and Wentals happy, the Faeros content, and Rusa'h being just a maniac who thought the sun was his friend.

Boy, am I glad it didn't. Basil Wenceslas and his breakdown is one of the biggest driving forces here, as it has been all series, and it really pays off in The Ashes of Worlds in a giant space-standoff. The Faeros are cool, but are kind of depthless; why are they doing this? Because a random Ildiran tells them to? Nah, they just like killing shit. At least the Hydrogues tried to give motivations.  

But these books aren't really about the elemental beings. They are just a framework for a brilliant story; a human story. The Klikiss arrival, and their subjugation of colony worlds is proof of that; in the end, even they become humanised thanks to Davlin's sacrifice.

The ending is a work of art, pure and simple. Yes, many things are left hanging: Where are the elementals now? Where does this leave Ildira and Earth? There are others, and they do leave me excited for The Dark Between Stars.

Metal Swarm


The Ashes of Worlds


This series ends on the highest point it could. No disappointments. Buy this series now, and read them before June 7th. Failing that, read them anyway.

My next book review should (hopefully) be along the way next week with The Dark Between Stars by Kevin J. Anderson. Hope you enjoyed reading!

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