Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Weekly Mini-Rants: Rolf Harris

*A very mini-rant this time, as it's not technically "weekly"*

Rolf Harris.
What a twat.
Now, I'm not going to go into too much detail about his crimes, because they were terrible, and quite frankly, have no place on this blog.
No, they didn't inconvenience me one bit.
What did inconvenience me was the media coverage.
For fuck sake, call him "Rolf".
It's not hard to do.
Instead they extensively called him "Mr Harris". This caused too many terrified turns to the TV when I thought, however briefly, that were talking about me. It was even worse when father wasn't there, and they were saying "Mr Harris has been arrested on sex charges". I knew he was weird, but I never expected that...
Mr Harris has to be more common than Rolf, surely. So what was the point? Although, I imagine that if a presenter had to say "Rolf" over and over, they would sound like a choking dog whenever they did. However, "Mr Harris" made them bitches anyway, so it made no fucking difference.
Essentially, I'm saying that if Rolf wasn't a kiddy-fiddler, then newsreaders wouldn't be dicks.

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